Friday, October 2, 2009

The brighter side of Power-Cuts

With just the moonlight illuminating the surroundings its at least soothing to the eyes, if for a change that is. Sometimes it takes an imposed pause to think about stuff in general that has more-or-less the same effect as perhaps meditation of sorts. Rather, what else it actually is.

An abstract opening like this should herald metaphysical musings but we had had other plans for quite some time now :)

Like darts shooting haywire, fleeting ideas come-n-go.. Once instant i am walking & somehow inhale smell of flowers. In the darkness i can't c any flower whatsoever to whom i could ascribe it to. As i further walk along the road, getting into the tendency of inhaling deep & try to discern, it smells similar to that of Tyre being burnt. Instant repugnance wasn't the reflex response...somewhat to my surprise...may be it was faint, may be cos more overpowering was it a reminder of such things of 'past'...

Then after awhile as i take break from continuous stroll to feel the grass underneath my feet, which again was after a long time & thus usurped the realization of it re-occurrence after quite a long interval. It was queer to think how somebody could explain another as to how it felt like walking on a moist grass in moonlight would be like...trivia doesn't sound so easy to me!

It was interesting to watch how dark the mango leaves looked compared to others in moonlight. Even during daytime, while brushing teeth in the courtyard as i glance over the heap of dried leaves, i notice the difference amongst the yellow mass. Some are almost amber red, some have just the central vein green,...perhaps each having an entity of its own, in its own right. A somewhat green twig amongst that mass feels so out of place, a pre-mature outcast, fallen from grace quite before it was destined to...somehow renders a gloomy feeling to the setting.

Oh yes, i do see shadows having forms similar to mine, walking the terrace or the doorway at time. At times, they are looking at me too, i feel. But further it doesn't raise any curiosity within & thus, i get my focus back to what my mind finds more 'animated'.